10 Things In Golf That Just
Sound Wrong
1. Look at the size of his putter. 2. Oh, dang, my shaft's all bent. 3. You really wacked the hell
out of that sucker. 4. After 18 holes I can barely walk. 5. My hands are so sweaty I can't get a good grip. 6.
Lift your head and spread your legs. 7. You have a nice stroke, but your follow through leaves a lot to be desired. 8.
Just turn your back and drop it. 9. Hold up. I've got to wash my balls. 10. Damn, I missed the hole again.
Random Information #1
13 ways to win gurls heart:
1) hugs from behind 2) grab her hand when u walk next to her 3) when ur standin up wrap ur arms around
her 4) cuddle with her 5) dont force her to do anything 6) write little notes 7) compliment her honesty 8)
when u hug her hold her in ur arms as long as possible 9) tell her u love her...and mean it 10) pick her over ur friends..even
if ur friends call u pussy whiped 11) comfort her when she cries 12) love her with all ur heart 13) pick her up
and flirt with her...
(she'll scream and say put me down but really she loves it)......
isnt he just the sweetest
Random FUNNY Song Lyrics
Terrance: Shut your fucking face uncle fucka You're
a cock sucking ass licking uncle fucka You're an uncle fucka, yes its true Nobody fucks uncles quite like you
Shut your fucking face uncle fucka You're the one that fucked your uncle, uncle fucka You dont eat or sleep or mow
the lawn, You just sprog your uncle all day long
(farting noises) Terrance: Hmm! (farting noises)
(laughing) (farting noises) Some Guy: What's going on here? (farting noises) People: OOOoooooooooooooh
Fucker fucker uncle fucka uncle fucka fucka fucka fucka T & P: Shut your fucking face uncle fucka (Terrance: uncle
Terrance: You're a boner biting bastard uncle fucka Phillip: You're an uncle fucka I must say Terrance:
Well you fucked your uncle yesterday Everyone: (laughing) People: Uncle fucka... thats Everyone: U-N-C-L-E fuck
you Uncle Fuckaaaaaa tonight...
Phillip: Suck my balls!
Random Hotties <3
The Used... its hot because theyre gonna pash :P |
Sonny is just so schmexxi... id go him in a second! : ) |
Another pic of Sonny... i <3 my u.k boys!!! |
hes old, married + had kids... but SO FUCKIN HOT! |
MSN Names
(approved by sam)
Kids in back seats cause accidents, accidents in back
seats cause kids
I hope life isn't a joke, because I don't get it
Drinking is the answer, I don't remember the question
If your name was homework, I'd be doing you on my desk right now...
A drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts
Nice pants, can I test the zipper?
Love me ore leave me. Hey! Where's everybody going??
I am what I eat them I am cheap, quick, and easy